C3-Experts Blog

Introducing MyViewBoard to boost STEM-based classes’ engagement

Written by Education Consultant @ C3 | Jan 5, 2022 5:24:22 AM

The paradigms of school teaching have been revolutionized by EdTech. It provides us with a more efficient and successful method of teaching techniques. As a result, schools are now constructing a hybrid learning environment that is tailored to the needs of students to make lessons more exciting and active.

The students can incorporate their own ideas and feedback, display their learning progress, submit assignments and homework. MyViewBoard also has a significant role in bringing more happiness and development to the class – improving student participation and assisting teachers in managing their workload!

In a nutshell, myViewBoard helps educators become a more pleasant environment to teach and learn. However, if you're using myViewBoard solutions with a Standard or Premium account, you may have missed out on several useful features. To assist you better grasping the advantages of creating an entity account for free, we've put together something special for you. So come and discover a better alternative for yourself and your pupils only with the myViewBoard Entity account!

1. Same Classroom, better outcomes

Certainly, with premium accounts, myViewBoard Classroom has given me a lot of aha moments. The entity version, on the other hand, outperforms the premium edition with the following distinct features:

  1. Google Classroom integration: After you've linked myViewBoard Classroom to Google Classroom, you may send invitations to students via Google Classroom. There are no extra actions required; simply clicking a button will take your pupils to the sessions.
  2. Gamification tool: The greatest method to educate a kid is to teach them without them knowing. myViewBoard Classroom makes the concept come alive by providing teachers with a variety of methods for delivering instruction.
  3. Sketchfab: Use Twist and Shout to quickly create 3D models in Sketchfab for use in class. Students can twist and turn the models to provide further information on them.
  4. Polls and Ladder shuffle: Teachers can use it to conduct a brief conversation with students to keep them concentrated while having fun.

2. Increase engagement with videos

Videos are always exciting, but what comes next? Most instructors recognize that incorporating multimedia tools into the classroom is a wonderful idea.

However, it appears that kids have a hard time focusing. Not to mention learning new information while watching videos.

Another significant barrier is that over 60% of teachers say they get frustrated when searching for new educational videos because they typically spend more time than they have and don't always discover what they're looking for.

There you have it, myViewBoard Clips, the finest video-assisted learning software on the market. 

  1. Quizzes: With questions embedded in the films, students are kept focused and interested while they watch.
  2. Lesson plans: Teachers can use the app to prepare, track their lesson notes, and create material using the included preparation tools and instructional videos. The program saves teachers time by eliminating the need for them to prepare lessons from scratch.
  3. Filtered content: Clips also keeps teachers and students safe by ensuring that only appropriate material is accessible. Teachers will never have to worry about any harmful content surfacing during class to disrupt it.

Unlike other video platforms, MyViewBoard includes two improved Clips packages that are appropriate for hybrid/in-class learning. Do you want to build a fantastic class for your child? Register for an entity account and request a 90-day Clips add-on trial.

If you want to quickly understand myViewBoard Clips, watch this video.

3. Reduce IT administration's workload

myViewBoard is a software that enhances how people teach and learn, as well as provides IT administrators, with a more efficient way to do their jobs. As a result, myViewBoard Manager is here to assist, a web-based tool that allows all IT admins to allocate resources and manage all hardware from any place in the world

Let’s see what myViewBoard Manager can do for you:

  1. Software installation: IT Administrators can install, remove, and upgrade applications for ViewBoards with direct access.
  2. Device control: IT Administrators may control all of your devices remotely with a single click, making it easier than ever to run just one operating system on your computer. All volume changes, turning the power on and off, and software updates scheduling is both quick and simple.
  3. Broadcasting: Send updates to selected ViewBoards and quickly announce critical information with myViewBoard Manager Advanced. IT administrators may also use myViewBoard Manager Advanced to post pictures and videos.

myViewBoard Manager, IT admin’s best management tool

4. Enable your IT administrator to make decisions on their own.

MyViewBoard also includes entity management, which is a tailored solution for IT administrators to deploy software and user preferences.

Take a peek at how entity management can benefit you:

  1. User management: You can quickly connect all school personnel with your institution and assign different privileges to them. Assigning the authority and privilege of distinct users may help you achieve greater things as a whole.
  2. Software instances: IT Administrators may standardize the activities of all apps within an entity by making templates for the myViewBoard program. Teachers will never have difficulty moving from one device to another since all settings and features are identical across devices.
  3. Single sign-on configuration: Set up SSO options for your school. It allows all users to log in quickly and securely. It also reduces teacher fatigue due to password use.

5. Create a fun and educational learning environment.

The primary aim of a school is to improve a student's academic performance. We have the technology that can assist you to achieve it! MyViewBoard, which is designed for schools' specific requirements, allows Sens sensor devices with AI technology to operate. It also works flawlessly with the Sens app! IT administrators may use a measurement index to optimize learning spaces

Have a look at the benefits an entity can get from Sens:

  1. Maintain wellness and safety in the Classroom by providing data about safety protocols.
  2. Perform emotional sensing to help a teacher inspect the students’ emotions. Teachers can readjust and provide support.
  3. Provide Classroom Management support to IT admins. Emotional and environmental data help schools make strategic decisions that benefit students and faculty.

6. Dedicated assistance – help you achieve your goals.

What myViewBoard aspires to be is an effective problem solver. Feel free to get in touch with us anytime a difficulty arises, whether you are an entity user or not! In no time at all, the myViewBoard support staff will contact you directly.

We also take the time to prepare more for you:

  1. Professional development courses: As a company, you can take advantage of professional development programs. Our specialists will help you learn how to be myViewBoard master step by step. It's time to master all of the capabilities!
  2. Tailored support: Do you require assistance getting started? Our Xperts can help you with the necessary hardware and software configurations, so there's nothing to worry about.
  3. Direct access: We're here for you whenever you need it. Your personalized team is prepared to assist you with any difficulties that may arise. Call us now at +914442612611


We believe you've chosen to join myViewBoard's family. But hold on a second; let us take one final look before we get started.

  • A more versatile classroom improves teachers' productivity and student engagement. It also encourages students to participate.
  • With the aid of Clips, you may enhance interactivity with safe content while also saving time by using pre-existing lesson plans.
  • The MyViewboard Manager and entity management transformation IT admin's approach of managing and increasing productivity.

We're here for you, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We provide personalized support to your organization's needs and stick with you along the way.

Follow these 3 quick steps and lead your school to success!

  • Visit Contact Us and fill in the form.
  • Send your inquiry.
  • Our sales rep will contact you within a short time. 

Enjoy your time with your students. Stay tuned, more useful content is on the way.