C3-Experts Blog

Improving Learning Outcomes with Interactive Whiteboards

Written by Education Consultant @ C3 | Nov 10, 2017 9:23:28 AM

Many schools across the world are installing interactive whiteboards, as these boards are an innovative addition to effective teaching tools that can improve learning outcomes, collaboration, and communication. Many educational experts have stated that an electronic interactive whiteboard has many advantages over a traditional whiteboard and blackboard which have been the staple of classrooms for decades.

Here are some benefits of using interactive whiteboards in a classroom environment:

Improved Learning

Every student is different. Some are visual learners, others auditory learners and again others are tactile learners. Interactive whiteboards cater to all types of learners as students get the opportunity to take in information in different formats. This enhances retention and also allows them to synthesize information and concepts more easily. These whiteboards also allow teachers to use customized learning software so that students can grasp more complex concepts without difficulty.

More Participation

One of the benefits of using an electronic interactive whiteboard is anything written or drawn on the board can be saved and printed. Hence, during a lesson, students do not have to bother about taking notes. Instead, they can focus on what the teacher is teaching, and participate in the resultant discussion. As a result, students are encouraged to focus, engage and participate, which in turn promotes active learning.

Enhanced Collaboration

Classroom learning in a traditional sense is one-way learning. The teacher imparts information and the student is the recipient. In this type of set-up, a teacher does not know whether the student has understood the concept until the student showcases his or her understanding using electronic whiteboards which ultimately promotes collaborative learning and teamwork. It allows students to give presentations in the classroom, use the whiteboard for projects, and also allows teachers to have conferences with parents and the students.

The Bottom Line

In this day and age of fast-paced technology and globalization, students need to have certain skills to succeed in this competitive world. Using electronic whiteboards that are connected to the internet facilitates skills and knowledge enhancements in a more effective manner. Using the right teaching and learning technology in the classroom can spur innovation while making sure it suits all types of learners in the classroom.