C3-Experts Blog

ICT Classrooms: Technology That Makes Learning More Engaging

Written by Education Consultant @ C3 | Nov 21, 2017 9:21:28 AM

Schools nowadays opt for smart classes in order to make the lessons effective and interesting. Students too have a better understanding of the particular subject matter being taught, if the lesson is explained using multimedia and other such teaching aids. This write up discusses some of the basic features of a smart class.

Setting up of digital classrooms in schools is slowly becoming a norm nowadays, primarily because of the ease with which a lesson can be taught to students through this type of a classroom set up. Teachers often mention that students tend to remember a lesson better if it is taught in an interactive manner. Whiteboards, projectors and other digital equipment help make a class both interactive and effective. Teachers can develop presentations and charts that children can understand and these can be displayed in a digital classroom, with the help of a projector. The colourful presentation will definitely make the lesson more impressive, effective and hence, interesting. A student will definitely remember such a lesson better that one that is being taught directly from a textbook. Thus, to ensure that the students studying in your school have better academic foundations, you can definitely consider installing digital classrooms in your school.

Essential Features of a Digital Classroom

Teachers often mention that children need to get acquainted with modern technology, so that they can understand technological advancements better as they grow up. So to help students get acquainted with modern technology, you can consider setting up a digital classroom in your school. Some of the essential features of Information and Communication Technologies based classrooms or an ICT classroom is as follows:

  • The classroom must have interactive tools like interactive smart whiteboards and projectors.
  • The teachers must have access to a content bank, which will consist of two and three dimensional images related to the subject being taught.
  • The classroom should have provisions for students opting to attend virtual classes. In other words, facilities should be in place so that a lesson can be recorded and uploaded online. Students should have access to these lessons through a ‘virtual classroom’ set up.

Thus, with the help of a digital classroom you can help make the lessons effective as well as enjoyable for the students. So if you want to set up digital classroom in your school, then get in touch with a reputed IT solutions providing firm, in order to ensure that your school is at par with the modern teaching methods being adopted worldwide.