C3-Experts Blog

5 Smart ways to purchase Tech Products for your school.

Written by Education Consultant @ C3 | Jul 26, 2020 12:30:38 PM

Education technology purchases have increased 5X times over the past 10 years.

Are they actually benefiting students in the classroom? 

As an Education technology System Integrator for K-12  schools, we urge all educators to carefully research and purchase devices and programs for their schools. 

Here are five ways to smartly purchase Edtech for your school:

  1. Have a vision for the use of the product before you buy it

We have been speaking with many school authorities over the past decade. One of the most common concerns they have is that they come across boxes and boxes of untouched laptops, projectos, Interactive boards and tablets in classrooms. Thousands of Rupees  in technology are sitting idle, collecting dust. Schools have been in a frenzy to pick up these devices over the past 10 years because that’s what educational leaders were told to do. There was never a vision for how these tools were to be used by students and teachers. By the time the items are considered for use, they are obsolete. Before you buy, have your vision in place.

  1. Make sure teachers are onboard with the purchase

Schools should have tech committees that demo different tools, programs, and devices to ensure that the product is right. It is important that teachers from around the school get to interact with the product to gain their thoughts and stamp of approval on it before spending limited funds. You want to create excitement about a product, not surprise and dismay when it shows up unannounced and not vetted in a teacher’s classroom.

  1. Ensure that new devices / software are Future proof.

There is nothing worse than getting excited about a particular software or tool, testing it out, getting a quote, purchasing it, and then finding out that your School Technology devices / software isn't future proof. It is important that school leadership work closely with Ed Tech Consultants like C3 iT Xperts and understand the capabilities of the current infrastructure. Furthermore, school leaders need to take advise from tech consultants what they will need in the future.

  1. Understand the maintenance / replacement costs

Sadly, devices don’t last forever. They must all be replaced at a certain point in time. While it might seem like a great idea to purchase a fleet of projectors or Computers with the money, always keep in mind that money must be put aside for maintenance of these devices for years to come. You don’t want to spend tons of rupees  on EMI pattern only to have to pull back three years later because many of them are broken and there is no more money for replacements or repairs.

  1. Ensure that your purchase is attached to learning objectives

We have seen countless posts on social media of Schools using outdated technology. In most of these posts, we can’t find a learning objective or a reason for using the tech other than for the purpose of posting something on social media. At the end of the day, remember that it is about pedagogy, not technology that drives student learning.

Don’t rush out and buy the popular, shiny toy that everyone else is using just because you read about it on Social Media. Make sure that there is a reason for your purchase.

At C3, we have always work on this principle " If it were my money, will I spend it" and we treat our customers' funds also with same vision when we suggest for Technology expenses. You may reach out to our Ed Tech Consultants at training@c3itxperts.com or click here for a free Consultation.